Funeral Services

Burnel Tovey specializes in offering a wide array of funeral services, tailored to meet the specific requirements of each family. Our experienced and well-trained professionals are dedicated to ensuring a respectful, compassionate, and understanding experience. We are committed to guiding you through each stage with care and providing continuous support throughout your journey.

What does funeral planning involve?

Funeral planning includes every aspect of the funeral, including the transportation of your loved one from the place of death to our funeral home. There are numerous arrangements that need to be planned to ensure that the funeral meets the wishes and expectations of the deceased and family. If you are looking for a local funeral director, we are here to offer our professional and dignified services.

Our funeral services include:

  • Advice, guidance and support
  • Planning appointment which can take place within the comfort of your own home or at our premises
  • Help with selecting the right funeral to meet your unique needs
  • Funeral arrangements
  • Transport of deceased from the place of death to our funeral home
  • Family viewings
  • Use of our Chapel of Rest
  • Seeing to all relevant documentation
  • Ensure arrangements are made with clergy, crematoria or cemetery
  • Book reception venue and liaise with catering companies
  • Manage floral tributes
  • Organise printing of service sheets
  • Advice on requesting and making charitable donations
  • Arrangement of funeral cars
  • Transport of the deceased to the crematorium or place of burial

Contact information for the local Registrar


The Old Council House
Corn Street

Tel: 0117 922 2800

Southmead (Bristol)

Southmead Hospital
Brunel Building
Southmead Road
BS10 5NB

Tel: 0117 922 2800

Contact Burnell Tovey

For more information about our funeral services, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

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